I did get a new haircut today.....very short and easy to manage. I like it, but want it to grow out just a little and then I will really like it, its a little on the too short side, but that's ok, it just means I can go longer without having to get it cut again!!!

Hoobie had a Chik-fil-A sandwich today. I got home and put my bag of a half eaten sandwhich on the chair and went to use the restroom and came out to find the bag on the ground with Hoobie beside it. He had bitten through the bag and the paper around the sandwhich and pulled the chicken off and was devouring it. He looked so guilty and started curling into a ball when he saw me. At least I wasn't hungry anymore!
Cute hair cut. I have been debating on whether to cut my hair or not. Right now it is in the middle of my back. So, it's pretty long. I like long hair but I don't know about when the baby comes. I guess I have about 5 months to decide that. But your hair cut looks really cute and easy to manage. I can't wait to hear that you had the baby! How exciting.