Thursday, February 24, 2005


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I have been soooo exhausted and just bogged down by everything. This week was insane. It seemed like I had too many things due or to get done and definitely not enough hours in the day. I knew if I made it through yesterday I would be fine, but yesterday was a doozey. So finally it is Thursday, my week is almost over and I am so thankful.

We had a huge storm two nights ago and poor Hoobie was so scared and shaking all night long. It even hailed. I was afraid it would mess up the car but it wasn't big enough. So being up half the night with Hoobie added to my exhausted week. Today I went to school and then came home and plunked myself down on the couch and didn't move. I watched Speed and slept. It was heavenly.

I've been having some vivid crazy dreams these days. Its really wierd. They seem so real. I have no idea why but it may be from sheer exhaustion. Pretty interesting I might say. I actually had one dream about the baby. I actually saw it and everything. (It was a girl.)I can't wait to see what it really looks like. It would be so wierd if it looked like it did in my dream. That actually happened to me once. I dreamed about a new lady that had started working at my dad's office along time ago, but I had never met her or seen her. Well, when I did finally meet her, she looked exactly the same as in my dream. It totally freaked me out.

Well BJ is going up to the SLC to work out and I think I am going to piddle around the house. While I need to go work out, I feel like it would have absolutely no benefit for me whatsoever today since I have zero energy. I am just going to catch up on some much needed rest. (Baby agrees)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Let me just tell you...The exhaustion does have something to do with the fact that you are carrying another person along with you, despite the fact that he/she is teeny tiny. Your body is I'm sure you've heard a thousand times...well, now a thousand and one. And the dreams...I totally had the same stuff! When I got pregnant I started having TONS of dreams and they were all so real, it was crazy! I don't think I've ever had such real dreams. I don't remember if any of them came true, I'm sure they did, but I don't remember. That would be awesome if the baby is a girl and looks the same as in your dream. You need to constantly be thinking of her face so you won't forget...that way you will know if she is the same! How cool would that be?!?!?!?!
    Well, I'm glad it's Friday, as I'm sure you are too. Take care of that baby, and don't worry about working out until you are past the "tired" part. Okey Dokey? Well, have a wonderful day. I miss you. Oh, and thank you so much for the card! I can't believe it's been almost 10 YEARS since we have met and decided to be best friends and have a joint wedding. Funny, we almost did just that! Well, have a great Friday.



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