Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Roll Call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like my office is overtaking me!!!!! AHHH!!!! I am reorganizing everything and I feel like it keeps getting worse and not better. Ugh! At least at the end of it all I will be very organized and get rid of all this paper work that I don't need!

Anyway, last night was the first night of youth camp and it was really good. There are about 120 kids there!! Hayden did really good, but I don't think I will take her again because it was so late when we got back. Plus when we got back the people that we took in the car with us accidentally locked their keys in their car and so we had to wait for someone to come unlock it for them. Our two babies were so so so tired!! Hayden was going wild crawling everywhere and acting like a lunatic! It was really funny.

Anyway, I am really excited because I am getting my first Mary Kay recruit at the end of this month and looking for my next one!! Is it you?? I say the fun thing is getting all the fun prizes and the discount on makeup. Plus earning money on the side. Can't beat that!

Well back to they attack of the office!

Hope everyone is doing swell!!

OH, I've been wanting to do this for a while...Ok..I have over 20,000 hits on this blog and I wonder who is out there reading, so...lets have a roll call. go to the comments section and leave me a message or just your name...I want to see who is all out there :)


  1. I envy your 20,000 hits.

  2. Anonymous7:57 PM


  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    ME too!! ~Courtney Dale :)

    While I'm at it...You really should put more pictures up!

  4. I know this is REALLY late, but ME!! :) I read it every day, I'm just so busy, I have to skim and move on to the next...my Internet time is limited!! I do enjoy your new random blogging. It keeps it interesting, although I love hearing about and seeing pics of Hayden!! :)


Leave some love!!!


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