Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hey! Its 2010!

Wow, this year has been packed packed packed! As you can tell Blogging has become a thing of the past for me. I simply do not have time for it like I used to. We have been working out so much, working like crazy and spending every other minute with these precious jewels that are growing up so quickly.

About a month ago I lost the camera that we were using and it had some recent pics on it, and it kind of just bummed me out becausee so much has happend since I have blogged last that I would rather update you with pics than with just text so I kept putting it off thinking we'd find the camera and here we are and we still haven't and I still haven't blogged.  So let me just give you a summary of some of the highlights.

1. the twins had their "move it, move it" party and it was so much fun for them

2. i went WAY blonde :)
3.I ran my first 5 mile run on Thansgiving morning and it was a blast! I want to make it a tradition. I finished in 43 minutes  YAY!

4. We took some family pics in the super cold rain and they turned out fab! Thank you Joyelle
5. We went to a parade, and saw some floats :)

6. I signed up for a 150 mile bike ride from Houston to Austin (april)

7. I baked a ton of food, we all got sick a few times and had a marvelous Christmas.

8. I survived my first Christmas season with my business, learned a lot, and shipped a lot! Had so much fun and am so thankful for my little business that is growing every day!

9. I turned 27 years old :) 

10. showed our house about 7 times during the mayhem

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1 comment:

  1. i love those birthday cakes. LOVE.


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