Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The weekend review

This weekend we had so much going on! On Friday, we went to the new Bond movie with my brother and his wife, BJ's brother and fiancee and some pals. It was good but the plot was lacking, I thought. You would have laughed at how heavy Alexis' purse was, with the massive amounts of candy that was loaded into it.

Then Saturday was my mother's birthday! Happy Birthday, Mom!! I gave her some new perfume and some jammie pants that I spotted with Hummingbirds on them. Hummingbirds have kind of been our thing all through my life, because she would always call me her hummingbird when i was little because I constantly hummed, most of the time, without realizing it. My dad made some delicioius barbqued chicken and we had a fun time all together!

Then Sunday we went to the early service. Which I thought would be hard since we have three kids and have a rough time getting to the late service on time, but it actually was really nice. We were able to all come home and have a nice lunch before all the meltdowns started and then everyone took naps. That evening we headed to Aaron and Rachel's wedding at the Parador. It was really nice and we got to see some faces we hadn't seen in a while. Congratulations guys!! The wedding was beautiful!

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