So our big event went down the day before Christmas eve. It went wonderful! The food was magnificent. Everyone brought such yummy things. I wanted to eat for days. Then that night bj wanted me to open a present that had just come in the mail. This is strictly against policy of no early presents except for one on Christmas eve, but he insisted. So, I opened it to find a brand
So the next day Christmas eve, we went to my dad's side of the family. Hayden got to play with the other little great granddaughter and they were so cute together. Next year will be even better since Hayden will be able to communicate with her more. Then we left there and went over to see Cary and Melissa. It was so fun to see them and Carson. He is such a big boy now sinc we haven't him since he was days old. He and Hayden took some really cute pictures together before we left.
So from there we went home and gave Hayden her new Christmas eve pj's to wear and then she went to bed. She is so cute because she has a little Christmas tree and some lights around her room, so she will always ask for them to be turned on by saying "Yight" :) I love it! Then Bj and I finished our last minute things and then got into bed to watch White Christmas. So great!
Christmas morning Hayden woke up so early. She knew something was up! So we got up and opened presents. She loved it. She got some really fun stuff, including her favorite movie Curious George, lots of books, some pink crocs and lots more stuff. We were all truly blessed this Christmas. So then we went over to BJ's parents house to open more presents and eat the traditional Munson family Christmas breakfast which is called Egg-foo-Yuck! It is soooo good. Its eggs, with hominy, sausage, cheese, onions...and more. His dad is famous for it :) Then we went back home and my parents came over to bring more presents and then stayed for lunch. It was so relaxing! Then we finally went to our last family gathering for dinner with BJ's extended family. And finally, back home for good. Such fun!
Yesterday we hit a couple of sales at Kohls, Target, and Kirklands Home. I wanted to get a couple of Christmas things for next year and then we both got a few clothes that we needed. Then we went back home, Hayden took a nap and I cleaned out my entire closet while BJ vegged. I love to get everything organized and ready for the new year.
By the way...People that live near us, there is this new place to eat on 1097 west called Treats! you have to try it...they have great food and awesome frozen custard!! Yummy! Its been our Saturday ritual for like a month now since we discovered it.
Anyway, I am alive to all of you who have called me! I am feeling much better and glad to be. I hate hate hate being sick. Especially when you don't have time to take time to get better. So thankfully I had Hayden's breathing treatment and I did one myself and woke up the next day feeling 100%. YEAH!!!
I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! Have a wonderful, safe New Years and we hope to see you all soon!
I'll be posting pics to this blog as soon as I get the uploaded from my new fancy-schmancy camera.
Oh, how fun! I can't wait to see your new camera! I am so glad you are feeling better and that you survived Christmas at your house! I bet Hayden had tons of fun! This year, Hudson got really into everything. It was so fun. Anyway, see you tonight!