Monday, September 18, 2006

A walker, a bear and a pooped out babe :)

Sorry I have no time to blog lately...just so busy. But I wanted to let everyone know that we have an official walker! Hayden has been walking everywhere and getting really good at it too :) Its been something I kept forgetting to tell you all on here, but its definitely a milestone! I can't believe her birthday is just around the corner! This year has flown by so fast, and I'm sure it will be like that from now on. I am savoring every moment, and it seems that daily she has discovered something new, or says a new word. Its almost too much for me to keep up with.

Here are a couple of new pictures for everyone...the first one is of Hayden coloring for the first time and like a true BU bear she would only use the color green :) Sic'Em!!!

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The next one is so cute, it is of her covered up in her new favorite blankie (hayden calles it "deedee") after a long long day of work and no nap :( so precious!
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  1. Such a cutie! I just love seeing pictures of Hayden! :) I'm impressed with her coloring skills! Carson will color now, but only with pens...nothing else - if you offer him a crayon, he bites it and spits out the pieces. :) oh well...crayolas will have to wait a bit! :)

  2. So precious! I love it! And great color! Green is Colton's favorite also!! Can't wait to see her walking! any suggestions on birthday gifts? Let me know!


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