Friday, September 22, 2006

A video for your viewing pleasure

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I'm sorry the first half is so dark...I didn't think to turn on a light; but the second half is cute :)

Pray for her though, she is cutting her molars and it hasn't been fun for anyone, lol.  Poor thing.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We are off to Maggiano's to celebrate the engagement of Britton and his fiance Jessica!! Enjoy this wonderful weather that is finally here hopefully to stay! I love it!!



  1. So cute!!!!!!!! She is walking really well!! What a cutie!!

    I hope the molar thing goes by fast. Hudson only has 5, so I'm hoping we have a while before those come in. How many does she have now??

    How the heck do you get the video to show up on your blog? I can't! It always shows up as an empty box!!

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Wow she is walking so good.Grace is walking a little and Lauren doesn't care too.Sorry to hear about the teething it sucks.I can't believe she is almost one.Take care,Carrie

  3. I love it! She is precious! What does she want for her birthday? I can't believe it's almost here! Can't wait to see you guys.



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