Tuesday, November 15, 2005


I hope you have a wonderful day :)

This weekend we went to Colton's 2nd Birthday party. He is getting sooooo big. I can't believe how fast he has grown. It seems like yesterday I was holding him and he was so tiny...tinier than Hayden. One thing is for sure...In the gang that was invited to the party there are no girls except for Hayden...we have got to get her some friends...the world around us is being overloaded with boys. (by the way, deb I must say again, that you did a SPECTACULAR job on his room!)

Then after that I took mom to her surprise birthday party by the ladies of the church. It was so great because she had NO clue at all. We went to Cheesecake Factory and there were 22 ladies there. It was great. We had a great time and ate wonderful food.

Well last night we put Hayden in her crib :) I felt like we were sending her to college or something. It was a milestone in her little life! She was so cute and little in it. She didn't sleep through the night though so I ended up bringing her back into our room at about 1:30 am but as soon as she sleeps through the night every night I think she will do fine. I am going to keep putting her in there though so she gets used to it (and so I get used to it :) )

This morning she cracked the hugest smile at me and started laughing with no sound. It was hilarious...I tried to get my camera out but I was too slow. So cute though!

This week I am getting everything ready for our trip to Victoria this weekend. BJ is playing the piano in Leslie Pimentel's wedding so we are headed down there on Friday. It will be our first time to stay in a hotel with Hayden! Hopefully she does good like she has been.

Today I am going to hang out with mom for a while on her birthday. Happy Birthday again Mom!

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