Now here we are and I have this person that says words like "magnificent" and "space potion", makes sense of things, helps me cook and is just growing up so quickly.
Hayden you are a little dance matchine. You love to show us some new dance moves anytime you hear a new song. You have been learning scriptures and can finally quote John 3:16 with no help. You are just like a little sponge. You have a superb memory and are eager to learn anything that we are willing to teach you. This past year has been a big changing year for you going from a toddler to a full blown little girl. You are so grown up and you loved helping plan your birthday this year. You made the list of your friends and picked out colors and your pinata. You were giddy with excitement as the days got closer and closer and when we finally turned the calendar to October the days were passing so slowly for you as we crept toward the 7th. (For me they are always flying, so please slow down my little boo). We had a day at the park planned for the party but the weather had other plans, so the house party it was. It turned out great and even though it was last minute, you enjoyed yourself so much. You were so excited about each present and when it was time for cake you served every friend before youself without being told. What a blessing to watch your little servant heart at work.
Your daddy and I adore you and your little quirks. We love to see you make jokes and try to make people laugh. You are a great big sister and try to take on too much responsibiltiy. I know you will be a great little mom one day!
We love you with all of our hearts!
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