What a heritage they have established for the rest of us. These two are simply amazing. Since I've only ever known them together, I know no different, but honestly I can't imagine either one of them without the other. They truly found their soulmate when they found one another. They have raised up a crazy bunch, for sure. But though we may not all agree eye to eye and we may not all keep in touch as often as we'd like, we are Family and our love for one another outlasts distance and views and obstacles. I am so blessed to be raised in a family that loves each other and supports each other.
As a child I watched their love through my child eyes. Always being a partner to one another and living life together. But as a child you see love in a different way. As I've grown I've seen love through them, like I never knew before. It challenged me to find that same love. Someone to truly make a LIFE with, and never consider anything less. A love that runs so deep, that you know without a shadow of a doubt that nothing could ever tear it apart. A love that through hardships, grows into something so powerful and obvious.
Our family gatherings are far from formal, quiet events. Instead growing louder with each year as we add a new love or a new child. But the laughter, sometimes to the point of tears, that echoes through the room is from years of fond moments that we all share. And as each meal begins with a simple prayer, that most of us never make it through without tears, its because we are so thankful for the family that God has given us.
My grandparents have started something that I pray will never die off or that we will all not get too busy to continue. When their paths crossed, some 57 years ago, the ripple from that day continues to grow. They were made for one another. They are two peas in a pod. And I hope that at the end of my life I can look over to the recliner beside me and see my love of many years and have continued the heritage they have started for me.
Here's to love.
I love you both!
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