my camera is filled with little moments that i have been snagging here and there of my littles as they are literally transforming before my eyes into little ladies.

The three of them have been playing so sweetly and imaginatively together. The are really becoming the best of friends, though I did have proof that sometimes they fight like cats and dogs--Preslyn was left with a bite mark on her cheek and Ella with one on her arm. :)

Today I heard Hayden talking to Preslyn, calling her "the dad" and "honey" and they were taking care of Ella, their baby. For about 45 minutes, Ella laid on the ground cuddled up in a blanket in Hayden's lap with Preslyn close by, giving little pretend whimpers here and there. It was so sweet.

(Ella & Hayden)
Feels like I may have blogged this already, but I couldn't find it in my posts so here goes (maybe again), While BJ was out of town recently Hayden and I stuck glow in the dark stars to her ceiling. These stars were a combination of my stars that I had in high school and BJ's that he had. We both had them on our ceilings. Anyway, we put them all on hers and turned the lights off and laid there "under the stars" quietly. Out of no where Hayden says to me, "Mom, we're in love." It melted my heart. I hope she will never feel like we are far from that moment.

Preslyn climbed out of her crib 7 times yesterday. She is turning into the monkey that I felt inside me and have sensed all along. I videod our security monitor of her doing it and it is hilarious because she is so tiny, yet she scales that crib in two seconds. She had her first sleepover at Uncle Sean and Aunt Lexi's last weekend all by herself. It is the first time we have split up the twins (other than hospital days) for an overnight stay. The all did great. Hayden got to sleep in Ella's room at Grammy's house so she would have a buddy.

BJ and I got to jet up to Waco for a special baby shower for some of our sweet friends that we miss OH so much! Courtney is just the cutest little prego and we can't wait to meet her little man! I also attended a shower for my cousin-in-love, Tyan. She has the tiniest little belly ever. I'm so jealous! We can't wait to meet her little guy either!

Hayden had her first soccer game and it was interesting to say the least. Well, actually the game part didn't happen, it was more of a meet/greet for the kids and the coach. Poor little guys have no clue what they are doing out there, and Hayden was more interested in running off t

he field and playing with a little girl on the side who had a little stroller for her doll. Hayden was whining that it was too hot (which it was, believe me I wanted to leave.) At one point I told her if she kept coming off the field she was going to be in trouble and we were going to go home. She said good! I WANT to go home. I had to rework my strategy. In my head I could hear myself saying,"Hayden, if you come off that field one more time we are staying here all day long."
Anyway, business is good. My house is in shambles , between trying to get paperwork sorted, files made, my office transfered upstairs, and my old office turned into a showroom. But we are working on it. I've got another trunk show in about 3 weeks that I'm looking forward to. If you are near me and would like to attend, its going to be me and 13 other vendors set up in a mini mall fashion. Email me, (there's a link on the sidebar) and I'll give you information! Hoping to launch my new website over the weekend. I know I've said that for the past couple of weekends, but its not in my power, so I'm just telling you what I've been told :) I'm very excited, I've got some really amazing vendors recently and my store is rounding out really nicely. I hope you all love it as much as I do!
Sorry for the delays in posting. I'll try to get better. If you are on facebook, find me and my store. I have a separte business profile for my shop with tons of updates, pictures, etc!! I'd love to have you be a fan! :)

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